Yate & District club badge

Club History

About Yate Bowling Club

Yate and District Bowls Club was formed in 1981 after a group of residents decided to form a bowls club prior to the existence of a bowls green. This was to show the determination to establish a club in the area. The club was going to be called Yate Bowls Club however approximately half of the members did not live in Yate but the surrounding area, thus the name Yate and District Bowls was agreed.

The small bowls club originally played at St. George's Park in Bristol on a Saturday morning. At the club, members could hire bowls and shoes while a green in Yate was being planned and built.

As it took some time for the green to be built, the Club took the opportunity to move to G.B. Britton's' green in Kingswood, who were hiring out to raise funds for a new pavilion. The Club used the facilities for 4 years, 1982 - 1986, when the Club expanded its memberships.

During that time, the Club generated sole use of the green on Tuesday nights, which became Club Night. Team selection sheets were posted at both G.B. Britton's and on a notice board at the Parish Hall in Yate. Prior to joining G.B. Britton's, the Club played matches amongst its members. However, after joining, the Club became fully functioning and had more tasks that needed doing, including arranging fixtures, team selections and organising teas.

The bowling green was opened in 1986. It was officially opened by Tony Allcock who performed the opening ceremony and took part in a mini match on the green. Whilst at G.B. Brittons, the membership had been restricted to 50 members. Now the Club had its own green, membership numbers doubled in the first year.

The pavilion was not built until the Club's second year at the green. Without anywhere to post notices, the Club found it difficult to get messages across to members unless they were at a home match. The local library housed a notice board and the Club continued to use the Parish Hall in Yate.

After the pavilion was built, the Club had somewhere to put up notices for members. The Club also had the facilities to function as a normal club, now having home and away matches, where they had somewhere to have tea during or after the match.

Now that it had its own pavilion and green, the Club was now an established independent Club. The Club had a full list of friendly fixtures throughout the season but had not joined any leagues. Although attempts were made, the Club was not able to join the local Bristol and District League at first.

The Club did manage to join the Cotswold League after it was suggested to the Club by the captain of the team Yate was playing against in Dursley during a friendly match. As the Cotswold League played on a Tuesday evening, this clashed with Club Night, so this was moved to Monday evening instead. This enabled members to attend Club Night and play in the League. It was after the Club joined the Cotswold League that the Club got accepted for the Bristol League, which took place on Thursday evening. Due to some teams being in Bristol centre and South Bristol, in 2023 we left the Bristol League to join the NE Bristol League, resulting in less travel time to away matches.

Founders of the club